Sunday, 18 August 2013



On the right track. Both concepts could be good with exploration and refinement. 

Soap packaging would be great to redesign. It would be ideal to redesign the soap bar form, perhaps the packaging could be a gripping device, making the soap easy to hold. 

The coffee jar is a good concept as it is an every day struggle for a parkinson's sufferer to untighten and realign the thread.  Explore and refine form. 

Max- In reference to the coffee jar- Great idea as Parkinson suffers struggle to untighten and realign threads. Keep the form simple, focusing on an ergonomic form. Form does not need a handle. Think about having a spout, for easy alignment and pouring. 

Pat- Added texture or a pattern onto the coffee jar, created through embossing and/or frosting the glass will create interest. 




Missed the brief- the concepts are focused towards Parkinson's sufferers perhaps to much. Re- read brief, remembering this packaging will be used by all not just suffers of Parkinson's. With refinement the deodorant can could have potential scope. 

Rowena- The pill dispenser is a great idea, the one step pill straight in the mouth makes it very easy for consumer. However this design uses a lot of material, and will need several parts. This may be to expensive to produce as packaging.  

Poon- The shape of the pill dispenser is ergonmic however, flicking the mechanism lever to administrate a pill may not be a comfortable motion for those suffering with Parkinson's.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Street Furniture

Street Furniture

Street Furniture



My chair design will encourage families to use the park. It will increase the amount of people utilising the site and in turn increase the natural surveillance of the site enough to inhibit detrimental behaviour.  My design will draw this target group in through its changeable form that can be used by the family in different scenarios eg used for resting/playing/eating.


The four chairs can be arranged together in an arc for sitting and chatting with friends and family. If multiples of these chairs are located in the same area they can be pushed together; the repetition of four of this chair creating a full circle of seating. This arrangement is ideal for larger communicating groups eg including mothers groups, school groups. The individual chairs that make up the four seater design, can be flipped over to create individual/separate seating. These seats angle off various points of the arc, allowing the user to position them to look at a desired part of the park. This would be ideal for an individual mother watching her children playing on the grass. The designs modular tendencies which allow the user to alter the designs form, creates user-product interaction which enhances the users’ experience and allows them to create a connection with the product. This interaction will continually draw users back to the park. 


The organic shape of the chair mimics the human shape to enhance comfortableness. This organic form will also allow the structure to reflect the natural environment, creating a harmonious landscape. The rounded corners also mimic the swinging motion that occurs when changing the form of the chair this links the chairs function and aesthetics to create a harmonious design. The sheet aluminium will not be coated, but will have a polished finish. This material was chosen due to its recyclability and low energy use.  A repetition of cut out holes, patterns the materials surface, this not only cuts down on material usage but is not as attractive to graffiti artists. And in the case that the chair is littered with graffiti it will be not as recognisable allowing the environments aesthetics to be uninterrupted.

My designs physical elements will make people feel welcome and comfortable and enhance cleanliness and safety; these conditions will allow the park to a secure an attractive image for “place” in the community.